Your Fuel Mileage May Vary

July 7, 2024

Depending Upon Your Vehicle

Today we are going to examine how far each of a wide variety of vehicles will travel on 1 gallon of fuel. Some critics would say this is not a fair evaluation of how fuel-efficient a particular type of vehicle is and they would be correct, but this is not an efficiency measurement. Instead, here we look only at how far each vehicle would move on one gallon of fuel. We will start at the greatest distance one could travel first and work our way down to the least distance traveled per gallon.

#17  Moped or Scooter

50   CC Motor 100 to 120 miles on 1 gallon of fuel

125 CC Motor.           80 to 100 mi.

#16 Harley Davidson Motorcycle   45-55 MPG

Depending upon driving conditions, driving technique, speed and weight.

# 15 Passenger Car 25.7 MPG

Car mileage depends on driving style, road conditions, weight carried, and speed among other things. This mileage figure is based on data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

# 14 Rutan Voyager Experimental Aircraft   

23.45 MPG

In 1986, this aircraft, piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager completed the world’s first non-stop, non-refueled flight around the world.

# 13 Pickup Truck 

20 MPG

The Ford F-150 pickup truck is the best-selling truck in the world. 

# 12 Small Airplane

19 MPG

The Cessna 172 Skyhawk has been made since 1955.

# 11 Riding Mower


And that will take you about an hour.

# 10 School Bus              # 9 Freight Train                # 8 Semi Truck & Trailer

6 MPG……………………. 5.7 MPG. …………………..   5-7 MPG

These three modes of transportation achieve nearly identical MPG ratings, but the train is by far the most efficient in terms of how much payload is transported with that single gallon of fuel.

# 7 Passenger Bus

3.5 – 6.5 MPG

If you are going down the highway, leave the driving to someone else and take the bus.

#6 Bull Dozer 

3.2 – 6.5 MPG

Preferred over the bus for pushing dirt.

# 5 Corporate Jet

0.9 – 5 MPG

These performances vary widely depending on size, load carried, and speed.

# 4 Commercial Airliner

0.59 MPG (or about 10 football fields)

This is the approximate mileage value for the Boeing 737

Underside of F-35 Lightning.

# 3 F-35 Fighter Jet 

Moves 392 feet for every gallon of fuel consumed in full afterburner

# 2 Container Ship

Moves 53 feet for every gallon of fuel burned

SpaceX Falcon 9 launches Credit: Brandon Moser/90.7 WMFE

# 1 SpaceX Starship

Moves 7.4 Inches for every gallon of liquid oxygen and liquid methane burned

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