Emeril Lagasse, Chef Extraordinaire

June 22, 2024

Today we will take a quick peek at a legendary figure in the culinary universe, Emeril Lagasse. His famous ability to create incredible flavors was honed over time and with experience. But it was his highly visible transformation into a TV Chef on the Food Network that propelled him to superstardom. With every early episode, viewers sensed momentum building, and then, BAM! He became unstoppable.

You can still catch early episodes of Emeril on the Roku Channel. What a hoot! Right down Memory Lane.

Emeril’s personality burst forth and blossomed into something special in the TV studio. He became an entertainer, but he also held strong to his culinary roots, never forgetting where he began.

Emeril Lagasse became a chef to expand upon the culinary skills his mother, Hilda, instilled in him from his early childhood. While still in school, Emeril worked at a Portuguese bakery where he honed masterful techniques in creating pastry and bread. His enthusiasm for a culinary education was evident when he enrolled at Johnson and Wales University after high school, earning his degree in culinary arts.

Further studies and work experience in France broadened his skills. Upon returning to the United States and working at restaurants in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, Emeril received a job offer from the world-renowned Commander’s Palace Restaurant in New Orleans.

Emeril immersed himself in that kitchen, absorbing the historical significance of the regional cuisine and mastering the flavor profiles. Commander’s Palace was famous before Emeril and he did his utmost to see that the reputation as a world-class restaurant would flourish. After eight years at Commander’s Palace, Emeril ventured out on his own. Success born out of his contagious passion for excellence and unwavering commitment to flavor and quality followed him. He has garnered numerous awards and accolades throughout his career while opening more than 20 restaurants across America.

But it was television that made Emeril famous, or more rightly stated, Emeril made television cooking shows famous.

No one before, or since, has brought more enthusiasm, passion, excitement, and entertainment value to studio kitchens. He became an instant success as the host of Emeril LIVE! His show featured a live band and, upon occasion, Emeril would step in and play the drums in the Doc Gibbs band. His musical talent was obvious, but not many people know that Emeril turned down a full college scholarship to the New England Conservatory of Music to focus on his passion for cooking. His masterful comedic timing and jovial television charisma endeared him to live audiences in the studio and across the airwaves into millions of homes.

It is little wonder that his popularity exploded, showering Emeril with lucrative marketing adventures in cookware, food products, cookbooks, and kitchen accessories. The success and wealth that sprung from those opportunities was well-deserved.

Emeril was a pioneer and leading figure in modern TV food programming. His Emeril LIVE show had a run of 10 years. When that run was over, Emeril continued to appear on the Food Network, making more than 2,000 appearances. He is a true legend in every definition of the word.

The passion and enthusiasm that were trademarks of Emeril’s persona overshadowed the fact that his food was extraordinary. Emeril could skillfully develop flavors with surprising depth and intensity.

Aristotle’s phrase, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” rings true in many of Emeril’s dishes. Below is an example of a few simple ingredients delivering bold flavor. His Parmesan Cheese Toast Points are a case in point. You owe it to yourself to try this extremely simple, flavor-bursting, treat.

Emeril Lagasse

Emeril John Lagasse III is an American celebrity chef, restaurateur, television personality, cookbook author, and National Best Recipe award winner for his “Turkey and Hot Sausage Chili” recipe in 2003. 

Born: October 15, 1959 (age 64 years), Fall River, MA

Spouse: Alden Lovelace (m. 2000), Tari Hohn (m. 1989–1996), Elizabeth Kief (m. 1978–1986)

Children: Emeril John Lagasse IVMeril Lovelace Lagasse

Education: Johnson & Wales University Providence Campus (1976–1978), Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School

Parents: Hilda LagasseEmeril John Lagasse Jr.


style: CajunPortugueseCreole, and French

Net Worth: $70 million

Height: 5’7”

Residence: Wherever he wants. Emeril has livd in several places including Destin, and Miami FL, New England, and New Orleans where he recently placed his 2-BR apartment up for sale. Interested? Check it out HERE!

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